- Adjunct teacher
- University of Washington, Ph.D. in Law
- International Law of the Sea, International Environmental Law, Fishery Policy, Public International Law
- 02-2462-2192 ext.5605
- cwenning@uw.edu
- Full-time teacher
- Ph.D., University of Michigan, Natural Resources (1992)
- Population dynamics, biological statistics, fisheries biology, marine resource management
- 2462-2192 ext.5018
- kmliu@mail.ntou.edu.tw
- Full-time teacher
- National Taiwan Ocean University, Professor
- fisheries resource assessment, international fisheries laws and negotiations, fisheries diplomacy, fisheries bycatch (seabirds sea turtles), marine debris
- 2462-2192 ext.5608
- Julia@mail.ntou.edu.tw
- Full-time teacher
- Ph.D., Department of Zoology, National Taiwan University
- Fisheries Ecology, Cephalopod Biology, Population Ecology.
- 2462-2192 ext.5607
- Julia@mail.ntou.edu.tw
- Full-time teacher
- PhD (2012-2017) Zoology (Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries), The University of British Columbia, Canada
- fisheries management, wildlife trade, marine ecology
- 2462-2192 ext.5603
- tckuo@mail.ntou.edu.tw