

Professor Kwang-Ming Liu got his BS and MS degrees from Department of Fisheries Science, National Taiwan Ocean University (NTOU) and received his Ph D degree from School of Natural Resource, University of Michigan, USA in 1992. He started his teaching carrier as an associate professor of Department of Fisheries Science, NTOU in 1992 and was promoted to be a full professor in 1999. He transferred to Institute of Marine Affairs and Resource Management in 2002 and served as the director of the institute from 2002-2005 and 2008 to 2011. He was the director of George Chen Shark Research Center since 2011.

Professor Liu’s specialty is fishery biology, fish population dynamics, and marine resource management. He has published more than 65 peer reviewed scientific papers including 48 in SCI journals. He has been the principal investigator of more than 70 research projects form National Science Council, Fisheries Agency, Environmental Protection Administration etc. and has received research grant more than 2.5 million USD. Professor Liu is also active in participating academic society activities. Currently, he serves as the chief executor of Marine Taiwan Foundation, a member of Shark Specialist Group of IUCN, director of Taiwan Fisheries Society, director of Taiwan Fisheries Sustainable Development Association, director of Taiwan Ocean Conservation Society, and director of Taiwan International Fisheries Conservation Association. He is now in the editor board of Journal of Taiwan Fisheries Society and has been the reviewer of many international scientific journals i.e., Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, Marine and Freshwater Research, PLOS One, Journal of Fish Biology, Fish Bulletin, Fisheries Research, Environmental Biology of Fishes etc.

 Professor Liu's recent researches focus on the fishery biology, stock assessment, and management of elasmobranches. He is involved in the researches of the ISC and ICCAT Shark Working Group. He has drafted the National Plan of Action – Sharks for Taiwan government and has organized “Shark Management and Conservation Conference –2002”and "International Symposium on Whale Shark Ecotourism”to promote the shark conservation idea to academic society and general public. He is also interested in ecosystem-based fishery management. In addition, Professor Liu also devotes to the outreach activities such as promoting the idea of marine conversation to fishermen and training the observers. Professor Liu regularly attends APEC Ocean and Fisheries Working Group meetings and he has organized five APEC Roundtable Meetings in Taiwan since 2008. Due to his long term effort on the fisheries resource conservation he received an award of National Excellent Agriculturist form the Council of Agriculture in 2008.
